Where do you see yourself in 5 years’ time?

This was a question put to teachers in a survey by a teachers’ union.

The answer from 40% of the teachers was ‘no longer working in education’.

Ask the same question to police these days, and the response is much the same – ’no longer working in the police force.’

I am just citing 2 professions where, in the past, it would be regarded as a job for life and probably looked on as a ‘vocation’.

In Utility Warehouse we have many teachers and many police who are working Utility Warehouse as a 2nd income and the comments are very much the same – ‘can’t wait to get out of their current profession’.

A policeman in my team told me that to receive his pension he would have to work 7 years longer than when he had first joined, the pension would be a staggering £50,000 less and he would have to pay in double what he it was when he first joined.

His comment was “This is not what I signed up for, how can they change it like that.”

He went on to say that with UW he now feels in control of his future and is loving the positivity.

I’m an ex teacher and I loved my teaching but speaking with teachers today, I don’t think I recognise the profession as it was when I was a teacher – and I am not a person who is against change – see the name of my website and look at my email address!



So if you know any teachers or police who may be feeling the need to explore different options, then I would like to talk with them.


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